Get Lost Dice Game

These dice offer a simple and fun way to explore the outdoors with young children. The game is straight forward: Roll the "Get Lost" dice and go! One will tell you how many steps to take and the other will provide a direction. Who knows where you will end up or what you will discover when you get there! I originally read about these dice in Jacob Rodenburg and Drew Monkman's book, "The Big Book of Nature Activities" [↗]. It is a great book with lots of other fun games and activities.

The third die is my own addition and provides an optional theme element to the game. Each face has a different wilderness image. They are meant to be interpreted freely and inspire more directed exploration of the area arrived at.

The dice are hand made from White Birch, kolrosed with cinnamon, and finished with pure food grade Tung Oil. Kolrosing is an ancient Scandinavian tradition dating back to the Viking era. It was used to decorate common wooden items. Kolrosing is done by using the tip of ones’ knife to make small cuts following a chosen pattern. Oil is then applied to the wood and dust is rubbed into the cuts to accentuate the pattern. It is believed finely ground coal or bark were the original materials pressed into the cuts.

The two "Get Lost" dice measure approximately 3/4". The "Theme" die is approximately 1".